
Friday, February 19, 2010

Fasting ~ Lent 2010

The Message is as true among you today as when you first heard it. It doesn't diminish or weaken over time. It's the same all over the world. The Message bears fruit and gets larger and stronger, just as it has in you. From the very first day you heard and recognized the truth of what God is doing, you've been hungry for more.
Colossians 1:6 The Message

Fasting takes many forms and is a common practice during Lent. Some will sacrifice chocolate or sweets, others will give up sodas or TV. During Lent, many Catholics fast every Friday, giving up meat. The purpose of fasting goes beyond ritual; it is to draw us closer to God.

Richard Foster, in his Celebration of Discipline, devotes a chapter to fasting and gives Christians insight into this discipline of faith: "Throughout Scripture fasting refers to abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. . . Biblical fasting always centers on spiritual purposes." Foster points out that Jesus never commands believers to fast but acknowledges that we will. In Matthew 6:16, Jesus says, "When you fast . . ." Foster continues, "So, although Jesus does not say, 'If you fast,' neither does he say 'You must fast.' His word is, very simply, 'When you fast.'"

So why fast? Foster explains, "Fasting must forever center on God. . . More than any other Discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us. David writes, 'I humbled my soul with fasting' (Ps. 69:10). . . Therefore, in experiences of fasting we are not so much abstaining from food as we are feasting on the Word of God." Celebration of Discipline - Chapter 4, pgs.47-61

When seeking ways to offer a sacrifice of praise to God, fasting is one way. However, fasting does not have to mean "giving up" something; it can be "giving more." Consider "giving more" as your sacrifice of praise, such as: spending more time in God's Word, fasting FROM the world by spending time serving people in need, make time to attend special worship programs or visit homebound and elderly folks. The possibilities of "giving more" for God are endless.

Listen for His Voice to direct your energies. Richard Foster notes, "Outwardly, you will be performing regular duties of your day, but inwardly you will be in prayer and adoration, song and worship. In a new way, cause every task of the day to be a sacred ministry to the Lord. Cultivate a gentle receptiveness to divine breathings."

Our sacrifice of praise ~
Do you hunger for more? How will your fasting be more like feasting on the Word of God? ~dho

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Goodness ~ Lent 2010

"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
Romans 14:17 NLT

The slogan on the Land O Lakes Half and Half reads, "where simple goodness begins." According to the dictionary, goodness is "the state or quality of being good, moral excellence, virtue, kindness, generosity, the best part of anything, strength, a euphemism for God." says, "The goodness of God is a foundational truth that shapes our perspective toward God and His dealings with us in this life. The goodness of God is a fact to which the Bible often testifies. It is a fact which every Christian should believe and embrace." If there is any goodness in us, it must come from God; goodness is one of the fruits of the Spirit. God is where goodness begins!

Our sacrifice of praise ~
How is God's goodness manifested through us as we strive to live a life of goodness to honor God? ~dho

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday ~ Lent 2010

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God proclaiming our allegiance to His name. And don’t forget to do good and share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.
Hebrews 13:15-16 NLT

"So many of us limit our praying because we are not reckless in our confidence in God. In the eyes of those who do not know God, it is madness to trust Him, but when we pray in the Holy Spirit we begin to realize the resources of God, that He is our perfect heavenly Father, and we are His children."
~from If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers

Our sacrifice of praise ~
Will we sacrifice our anxieties and be reckless in our confidence in God? ~ dho

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shrove Tuesday!

You have shown me the way of life, and You will fill me with the joy of Your presence. Acts 2:28 NLT

"Shrove Tuesday" or Fat Tuesday is the last day before the Lenten begins. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the day believers begin a spiritual pilgrimage of remembrance to the cross, take another opportunity to contemplate the holy sacrifice of Jesus.

How will we honor this immeasurable gift of salvation? ~dho

Monday, February 08, 2010


A friend gave me a "thought for everyday" calendar at the beginning of this year. While most every thought gives me reason to pause and ponder, I want to share one from last week. Many times circumstances "cross our path" giving us reason to question, to doubt, to fear. This daily thought reminds me that God gives us purpose and His promises never fail ~ even when circumstances intersect our ordinary days ~ while we must place our trust in God who knows infinitely more than me.

It is a glorious thing to know that your father God makes no mistakes in directing or permitting that which crosses the path of your life. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter. It is our glory to trust Him, no matter what.
~ Joni Eareckson Tada ~

consider these words from Job:
[Job answered GOD]:
"I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything.
Nothing and no one can upset Your plans.
You asked, "Who is this muddying the water,
ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing My purposes?"
I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me,
made small talk about wonders way over my head.
Job 42:1-4 The Message


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hope's Promises

excerpt from my book, Kindled Soul, Holy Fire

Keep me safe O God,
for in you I take refuge.
I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from You I have no good thing." . . . LORD, you
have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:1-2, 5-6 NIV

When the road seems long, we can always find refuge in God. He is our shelter in the storm and our anchor in the raging sea. Often we define ourselves by our circumstances, rather than by our relationship with God. The blessings that come our way can be overlooked when our focus shifts from God to the world. Despite experiences of difficulty and disappointment, God's goodness prevails.

John Newton, a slave trader who became a pastor, penned the words to one of Christianity's most famous hymns, "Amazing Grace." One verse is seldom found in today's hymnals:

The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.
With God's promises of goodness and His Word, we have hope in all circumstances. He protects and provides in all the ways we need. The Message translates Psalm 16:2 this way: "Without You, nothing makes sense." Even when the world creates chaos in our lives, God can always take our hearts to pleasant places. With Christ, we have a delightful inheritance.
You are Goodness in all times. Every good and perfect gift comes from You. The world shouts for our attention, distracts and demeans us, but You lift us up, give us hope, shield our hearts, and protect our future.
You take us to the high places of blessing (Eph. 1:3), confirming our inheritance. You are our Shield and Portion. You are Everlasting Life. Without You, nothing makes sense. Amen. ~dho
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