
Thursday, August 31, 2023


I happened upon this today on the FaceBook page for “Poetry Ireland”. The words below are not mine but so well said; they moved me, and I had to share! I love when I hear a familiar story but told from a different perspective, and I glean fresh, unrevealed insights. Most of us know this Biblical account of these friends being so determined to find a way to bring their sick friend to Jesus, to take the extraordinary efforts to cut a hole in the roof, and to lower the friend down to Jesus in hope of healing. The story does recognize their efforts but quickly the miracle of healing takes center stage. And, this is good. But this poem reminds us that without this kind of friendship, the sick friend would have likely missed Jesus, missed the healing. 

While the healing of this man is truly a miracle that stands alone, perhaps the steadfastness and faithfulness of his friends is also a miracle. In today’s world, most of us have few folks that would journey to extraordinary lengths for us. Some stop by or check in, but few rarely walk beside us for long, especially in difficult times. If you have friends who take the extraordinary journey with you, as Seamus writes those ones who had known him all along, be thankful for this divine miracle! God’s goodness provides for us in so many ways, sometimes it’s in healing and sometimes it’s in friendship. Look around your community and become this blessing for others! - dho

“Miracle by Seamus Heaney is our poem of the day, in which he celebrates the value of community and the blessing of friendship as much as the story of a miraculous healing. We, at Poetry Ireland fondly remember the poet and Nobel Laureate on his anniversary, as a great friend to us and to the world of Irish Poetry. One of Ireland's greatest artists who painted our lives, stories and mythologies in word and sound.” - copied from “Poetry Ireland”

Thursday, August 24, 2023

That’s Enough

 Thank GOD because he’s good, because his love never quits! Psalm 118:1

Summer is winding down, the last hot days of August cause a scramble to swim in her warm waters a few more times. Routine is already marching in and changing the order of our days. Fall is coming, school is starting, and the easy days of picking blueberries, and building sandcastles begin to fade. The best news is that GOD is a God for all seasons! 

This summer I have enjoyed traveling abroad with family and friends and loved spending time with my granddaughter. Her sweet snuggles and silly giggles and pool splashes will remain with me long after this season ends. The many sights and adventures in other lands continue to bring beauty and mystery to my mind. We can never learn everything, never visit all the wonders of God’s world, never count all the joy of times together. Why? Because there is always more!

A newer Contemporary Christian song I heard a few months back reminds me to be thank-full and joy-full and wonder-full in the now, in the moments. It’s short, simple chorus tells a great truth about God’s love:  “I am here! I am loved! God is good, and that’s enough!” Well, I agree! THAT”S ENOUGH for me, too! -dho

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The LIVING Word!

Throw-Back-Thursday (#TBT) popularity on social media wanes, constantly replaced by various new #’s, but it is still fun to remember. Along with its hash tags, pictures of yester-year would dance across out computer screens, mobile phones, and tablets. Frequently the hair styles and clothing reveal the era. We laugh, usually, or moan, sometimes. When I open my #TBT Bible, my name is written on the inside cover. Back in the day, unlike now, few versions of the Bible were available. "The Living Bible" broke the rules by using current vernacular, much the way we appreciate The Message today. The words and the order of the words sounded friendly, more familiar to the ear. The Living Bible with its padded green color, while popular with teenagers, did not thrill the adults. Whatever your thoughts or preferences are about various translations and transliterations of the Holy Bible, I believe God always uses His words to inspire, to convict, to reveal His Goodness and Grace.

#TBT High School, 1973
Reading today from Romans in The Living Bible, God's word tells it straight. Listen to some of the verses from Chapter 12Be honest in your estimate of yourselves...we belong to each other, and each needs all the others. God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. And further down, Don't just pretend that you love others; really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good. Love each other with brotherly affection and take delight in honoring each other. These very valuable words remind us our connectedness in Christian community. These words are not just for #TBT!

Life is messy! We wait, longing for time to pass more quickly then hurry to what is next. Hurt and disappointment become friends we wish we didn't know. Doubt shouts! Hypocrisy mocks! But, God always sees the bigger picture, sees beyond what our minds cannot understand. Using my #TBT Bible, I find these words: Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always. (Romans 12:12

I did not read other translations or search commentaries, did not research Greek origins of the words or look at cross references (none in the #TBT Bible). I simply let my prayer echo His inspired words: With a grateful heart, God, I trust You are planning something good for me. In times of trouble, help me be patient. You show me how to love others, truly love them. Give me a boldness to stand on the side of good with love. Every moment of every day, my prayers rising to You, spending time with You ~ listening, resting, waiting, learning, loving. Amen! ~dho

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Piece by Piece by Peace

To choose life is to love the LORD your God, obey Him and stay close to Him. He is your life... Be strong and brave. Don't be afraid... don't be frightened, because the LORD your God will go with you.  He will not leave you or forget you...The LORD himself will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forget you. Don't be afraid and don't worry.  

Deuteronomy 30:20, 31:6,8 NCV

On our knees…

We speak the Hebrew word Yahweh because it is Your covenant name, and we have study Your promises to the descendants of Abraham.  The ancient words recorded centuries before tell the story of humankind and all its frailties.  Words translated from Hebrew tell of Moses and his obedience, tell how You always went before them, preparing the way.   

We call, LORD, because there are promises for us.  The ancient words tell a living story of love and sacrifice and redemption; they tell of a new covenant ~ Christ.  We choose life!  Now, as then, You go before us, preparing the way.

We whisper, Adonai, for You are Lord; You are Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  You are both hope and light. Your Spirit dwells within us. Lord, only through You can we be strong and brave. We long to firmly embrace You. The world entices us, even when we try to draw near to You. Sometimes our journey is not clear, the path uneven, our steps uncertain. 

When we cannot see, help us remember the ancient words, the living words: The LORD himself will go before you. You are the Promise that chooses us; You are the Love that embraces us. Lord, hear our simple prayers.  Amen. ~dho

** previously posted on this blog October/2013/DonnaOswalt

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Awesome Deeds!

Connemara, County Galway, Ireland

 from Psalm 65:1, 4-8(NASB, The Message)

Silence is praise to You, [Jerusalem-dwelling] God, and also obedience. You hear the prayer in it all. . .

How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your [holy of holies].

We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.

By awesome deeds You answer us in

righteousness, O God of our salvation,

Earth-Tamer, Ocean-Pourer

Mountain-Maker, Hill-Dresser,

Muzzler of sea storm and wave crash . . .

Dawn and dusk take turns calling, "Come and worship."


You have created infinite opportunity for my soul to praise Your holiness and majesty. You teach me perspective and humility with the greatness of simplicity.


You renew my life with steams of righteousness, always leading to rivers of goodness, and oceans of more. You teach me the Source of power.


You let me stand in high places, knowing blessings beyond need. You teach me the wonder of holiness and glory.


You decorate the landscape with beauty that escapes description. You teach me the joy of details.

Muzzler of sea storm and wave crash,

You tame the turmoil inside my soul with repose. You teach me the peace of grace. I, too, come and worship at dawn and dusk and moments in between. For such Perfect Love brings me to my knees where I offer wordless soul songs of praise to You. Amen. ~ dho