
Friday, February 27, 2015

Covenant Love ~ Lent 2015

God’s Faithfulness ~ Our Everlasting Hope!
LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness
You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1 NIV

During this season of reflection and renewal, join me in exploring God’s Faithfulness. Do you find strength for every circumstance in God’s Faithfulness? God IS Faithful!  God’s Faithfulness is our everlasting Hope! ~ Donna Oswalt

But I lavish My love on those who love Me and obey my commandments, even for a thousand generations. Exodus 20:6 NLT

Old Testament Egypt worships many gods and believes the more gods, the more blessings. While in captivity for 430 years, Egyptian practices influence the Jewish people. After leaving Egypt, they encounter many other pagan nations who practice idol worship including temple prostitution, fertility rites, and sacrificing children. God gives them specific rules about not worshiping idols but worshiping Jehovah, unchanging and faithful, who lavishes love on His people. Within the Ten Commandments, God gives guidelines for all relationships, first with Him, secondly with others.

Out of His goodness and grace, God promises to love us. The first important lessons of the Ten Commandments establish God as the only God, and warn that to value anything more importantly than God creates an idol, a substitute god. Today’s idols beg our pagan hearts to place work, money, success, and pleasure above God. Shouting for attention, campaigning for importance, hoping we choose them over God’s priorities, these substitute idols cause us to lose focus of the eternal, infinite, Sovereign God. 

Holy, Holy, Holy, God of lavish love pour over me. In the noise and chaos, I look for You. Forgive me when I offer You my leftover moments. Great is Your faithfulness - Holy and worthy of my first thoughts – my deepest reverence – my loudest praises! –dho

Focus Point: Out of His goodness and grace, God promises to love us.

All rights reserved; copyright 2015 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

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“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”

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