
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday ~ Lent 2010

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God proclaiming our allegiance to His name. And don’t forget to do good and share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.
Hebrews 13:15-16 NLT

"So many of us limit our praying because we are not reckless in our confidence in God. In the eyes of those who do not know God, it is madness to trust Him, but when we pray in the Holy Spirit we begin to realize the resources of God, that He is our perfect heavenly Father, and we are His children."
~from If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers

Our sacrifice of praise ~
Will we sacrifice our anxieties and be reckless in our confidence in God? ~ dho

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shrove Tuesday!

You have shown me the way of life, and You will fill me with the joy of Your presence. Acts 2:28 NLT

"Shrove Tuesday" or Fat Tuesday is the last day before the Lenten begins. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the day believers begin a spiritual pilgrimage of remembrance to the cross, take another opportunity to contemplate the holy sacrifice of Jesus.

How will we honor this immeasurable gift of salvation? ~dho

Monday, February 08, 2010


A friend gave me a "thought for everyday" calendar at the beginning of this year. While most every thought gives me reason to pause and ponder, I want to share one from last week. Many times circumstances "cross our path" giving us reason to question, to doubt, to fear. This daily thought reminds me that God gives us purpose and His promises never fail ~ even when circumstances intersect our ordinary days ~ while we must place our trust in God who knows infinitely more than me.

It is a glorious thing to know that your father God makes no mistakes in directing or permitting that which crosses the path of your life. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter. It is our glory to trust Him, no matter what.
~ Joni Eareckson Tada ~

consider these words from Job:
[Job answered GOD]:
"I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything.
Nothing and no one can upset Your plans.
You asked, "Who is this muddying the water,
ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing My purposes?"
I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me,
made small talk about wonders way over my head.
Job 42:1-4 The Message


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hope's Promises

excerpt from my book, Kindled Soul, Holy Fire

Keep me safe O God,
for in you I take refuge.
I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from You I have no good thing." . . . LORD, you
have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:1-2, 5-6 NIV

When the road seems long, we can always find refuge in God. He is our shelter in the storm and our anchor in the raging sea. Often we define ourselves by our circumstances, rather than by our relationship with God. The blessings that come our way can be overlooked when our focus shifts from God to the world. Despite experiences of difficulty and disappointment, God's goodness prevails.

John Newton, a slave trader who became a pastor, penned the words to one of Christianity's most famous hymns, "Amazing Grace." One verse is seldom found in today's hymnals:

The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.
With God's promises of goodness and His Word, we have hope in all circumstances. He protects and provides in all the ways we need. The Message translates Psalm 16:2 this way: "Without You, nothing makes sense." Even when the world creates chaos in our lives, God can always take our hearts to pleasant places. With Christ, we have a delightful inheritance.
You are Goodness in all times. Every good and perfect gift comes from You. The world shouts for our attention, distracts and demeans us, but You lift us up, give us hope, shield our hearts, and protect our future.
You take us to the high places of blessing (Eph. 1:3), confirming our inheritance. You are our Shield and Portion. You are Everlasting Life. Without You, nothing makes sense. Amen. ~dho
ORDER your Easter devotional book today! See order form on the blog.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Chance

The best part about a new year is that starting over is an option! While our intentions are often worthy, our actions can fall short.

God says: the words that come out of My mouth [will] not come back empty-handed. They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them. So you'll go out in joy, you'll be led into a whole and complete life (Isaiah 55:11-12, MSG).

A new year is before us with opportunities too many to count or even know. God has a purpose and plan for everyone of His children and desires to see us succeed. Our reward is joy and a whole and complete life! God rewards us with everlasting joy and peace, with everlasting life!

Have a GREAT new beginning! ~dho

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Prince of Peace

"At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God's praises: Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please Him."
Luke 2:13-14 MSG
Lately I have been giving much thought to peace ~ what exactly is peace and what is the path to peace! We know that God is the Source of all true peace; Christ is the Good News of peace sent to us from God. Peace is the message of the angels the night that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

". . . 'Peace on the earth, good will to men,
from heaven's all-gracious King:
'The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing."*
Peace in the Hebrew (shalom) and Greek (eirene) teach "absence of
disturbance" and is the primary blessing of God's people. Scofield offers four references to peace: Peace with God, Peace from God, Peace of God, and Peace on earth. Deep inside, each of us desires the assurance of peace. Only God can provide complete peace.
". . .O rest beside the weary road,
And hear the angels sing . . ."*

"Peace of God" is often challenged by a world full of anxieties and chaos, doubts and uncertainties, but it is this "inner peace" the soul knows when faith in Christ leads one to "peace with God." Perfect peace is a gift God gives to the faithful ones who trust in Him.

". . . When peace shall over all the earth
It's ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world sends back the song
Which now the angels sing."*

"Peace on earth" is the promise of His everlasting peace which is still to come. For now, each of us are called to embrace peace offered by the Author of peace, measured by the Prince of Peace, and revealed by the Spirit. In this Holy Season, let us receive the Prince of Peace. May Christ's peace be the ornament that decorates our hearts at Christmas and throughout the coming year. ~dho

Merry Christmas!

*lyrics from It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Harvest

Love and faithfulness meet together;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,
and righteousness looks down from heaven.

The LORD will indeed give what is good,
and our land will yield its harvest.

Righteousness goes before him
and prepares the way for his steps.

Psalm 85:10-13 NIV;

When you read The Message, the word used for faithfulness is truth; Love and truth meet. Also, the words righteousness and peace kiss are interchanged for Right Living and Whole Living embrace. Jesus personifies Love and Truth. In our redemption, He is both Love and Truth eternally mingled with our hearts and souls. The yield is our Right Living, the sharing of His Love and Truth with others. Our reward becomes Whole Living, peace ~ His Peace. This is God's Holy Harvest!

God's faithfulness is His promise of Truth, the Truth that Right Living and Whole Living bring to each of us robes of righteousness and inner peace that exceeds all understanding. We kneel before the Love Most High overwhelmed with thankfulness for His goodness. It is His gift of righteousness, of Right Living, that surrounds us, protects us, leads us into the next moment. It is inside this gift we unwrap Whole Living, His Peace! How complete is His Offering! May my sacrifices of thank offerings honor this Bounty-full God! ~dho

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! ~dho

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Strength and Stronghold

There was a ship at sea in a storm. The passengers were in great distress. After a while one them, against orders, went up on deck and made his way to the pilot. The seaman was at his post of duty at the wheel, and when he saw the man was greatly frightened he gave him a reassuring smile. Then, the passenger turned and went back to the other passengers and said, "I have seen the pilot and he smiled, 'All is well.'" When our small boat of life is storm-tossed and our hearts are fearful, we may push through the storm to our Pilot who is standing at the wheel, and when we see His face we shall know that 'all is well'. Robert Louis Stevenson

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a storm? Whether our current storm is a spring shower or thunder storm, a tornado or blizzard, a hurricane or tsunami, God can be the Pilot of our ship and our Port of refuge.

Circumstances can be like an angry ocean, a flooding river, a rising creek, but only God can offer the calmness that comes with the sound of a gentle rain or the peace that lingers in the gaze at a starry night sky. With Christ, we no longer have to wrestle with the uncertain chaos and confusion; we can wait and rest in the assurance of a living, faithful God ~ no matter the storm. ~dho

"The Lord is good, a Strength and Stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows (recognizes, has knowledge of and understands) those who take refuge and trust in Him."
Nahum 1:7 The Amplified Bible

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Delight For My Soul!

If GOD hadn't been there for me,
I never would have made it.
The minute I said, "I'm slipping, I'm falling,"
Your love, GOD, took hold and held me fast.
When I was upset and beside myself,
You calmed me down and cheered me up.
Psalm 94:17-19 The Message

When times of chaos and contradiction take control, the Christian has resources that non-believers do not. In fact, the believer finds the greatest solace in the goodness of God. Despite the fickle offerings of the world ~ hopelessness, doubt, bitterness, defeat, those who claim Christ as Lord can always know the everlasting gifts of peace and comfort. In His arms, in His Grace, we find a goodness in this Holy Love that exceeds the difficult, that soothes the ache, that calms the anxious thought. This is The Source that will always delight my soul. ~dho

When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. Psalm 94:19 NASB

Friday, September 04, 2009

Stay the Course

To cling always to God
and to the things of God ~
this must be our major effort,
this must be the road that the heart follows unswervingly.
~ John Cassian ~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stand Firm!

. . . stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

Sometimes we choose to be silent, to let circumstance rest in between concern and apathy, between grief and fear. Other times, we find value in giving voice to our thoughts and opinions. It is true that ~ sometimes ~ it's better to say nothing. However, when we are called to take a stand for God's Truth, and we simply look the other way, the prince of darkness counts it victory. Stand Firm! Put on the "full armor of Christ" (Ephesians 6:10-18), seek God's strength in the Word and pray for courage and endurance for the task. ~dho