
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Shelter of the Most High

For he will command his angels concerning you
 to guard you in all your ways. 
Psalm 91:11

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Wireless Plan

Seems every mobile phone company has a "deal"! It is always a different bundle or package, new texting rates, extended data plans, and on and on! Most of us these days are accompanied by our mobile phone almost everywhere. We check our email, text a quick message, or make a call. Ringtones can be set to identify particular callers. To avoid interruptions, we can 'silence' our phones. Today's smartphones double as computers. So, what wireless plan do you have? Is it the best?

The following was on a church sign:
The best wireless plan?
PRAYER - unlimited
minutes, unlimited messages!

Clever and it catches our attention because it speaks our language! God's wireless plan is best. This plan is not just voice activated, but thought activated, and when the heart and mind can't find words, the Holy Spirit expresses the need for us. Free, unlimited time with the Lord - no restrictions on days or times. His PRAYER line is open 24-7, 52 weeks or 365 days a year [366 days during Leap Year]. "525,600 minutes" a year ~ FREE! Unlike some of the people we call or text who don't really want to talk to us, God always wants to spend time with us. Be still and know that I am God. No ringtone required!

Choose God's wireless plan ~ now and always! This deal is 'forever'!  ~ dho

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

To God our Savior

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.  Jude 24-25 NKJV

Only 25 verses long, Jude's letter to the 1st century Christians continues to echo through millenniums to us, the 21st century Christians. Jude, the half-brother of Jesus, the brother of James, the writer of the Epistle of James, writes this letter around 60-64 AD to warn believers of false teachers and to encourage believers to live holy lives. 200 centuries later, these words still warn and encourage us. The writer of Ecclesiastes concludes, "There is nothing new under the sun." The same sinfulness and truthfulness still battle for control today. Warren Wiersbe's commentary in the Transformation Study Bible makes it simple and clear: The truth doesn't change; it applies fresh every day. 

In verses 20-23, Jude gives us a lesson in authentic faith, a living faith. With Christ, our faith becomes holiness, our prayers rise through the Holy Spirit, and mercy is ours in His love. Christ calls us to live lives of compassion and discernment, lives full of His love. Jude, like his brother James, gives a call to authentic faith, a faith of words and deeds, a faith that demonstrates the grace of Christ. How does your faith look? How does your faith live? Do those in your circle of influence find your faith journey to be marked by authentic faith?

The last two verses are a doxology full of praise to God, the only One who is wise, the only One worthy of praise, the only One that is both glory and majesty, authority and power. Only God offers grace that invites us into His presence both now and forever. This evokes both Hallelujah and AMEN to sing together deep inside my soul!!  ~ dho

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Worship His Holy Name!

The LORD is the source of all goodness and blessings.
Bless the LORD, O my soul! I'll worship His HOLY NAME!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


"My prayers are nothing other than a sense of the presence of God."
Brother Lawrence, Practicing the Presence of God
Thomas -  Summer 2012 at Ocean Isle, NC ~ healed!

A year ago today ~ Our family is waiting for a plan from neurosurgery at Duke University Hospital for my 9 year old nephew who has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. In the PICU, severe illnesses surround us, even share our room. The reality that we are not the only ones to suffer becomes the buffer between urgency and panic. All anyone of us can do is pray! The 48 hours before and the 48 hours after become the LONGEST day and launch an unexpected faith journey. 

Many faithful friends and their friends and friends of their friends prayed with us and for us. Literally, people all over the world prayed. For any who do not know about our journey, this link will take you to Thomas' Caring Bridge site that chronicles the amazing journey. As always we say to God be the Glory! for His Faithfulness is the anchor of our souls.

There are times when emotions make finding the words to pray feel impossible. Remember, the language of prayer is not about the right words. To be in the presence of God is prayer. Find His presence and rest there. Scripture assures us that if we do not know what to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress and prays for us, speaking our deepest, wordless groans.[Romans 8:26-28] Allow the presence of God settle around you and embrace you. To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! ~ dho

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Even If . . .

2 Corinthians 4:7-10 “ . . . We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.  That’s to prevent anyone from confusing God’s incomparable power with us. . . We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t been broken."